The Group name is called "Jackie Master Group" and the English abbreviation is J.M.G.

JMG is an organization created by Jackie Cycle®, an indoor cycle gymnastics program created in South Korea, participated by Jackie masters with a good mind that takes care of joy and health to people around the world.MG

Qualification of Master Membership

As a person who has completed JIGS's introductory course on jackie masters, master who actively support the purpose of this group, and those who are waiting for renewal training.IGS

·The Group name is called 
"Jackie Master
 Group" and the English abbreviation is 

JMG is an organization created by Jackie Cycle®,
 an indoor cycle gymnastics program created 
in South Korea, participated by Jackie masters 
with a good mind that takes care of joy
 and health to people around the world.

·Qualification of Master Membership

As a person who has completed JIGS's introductory course on jackie masters, master who actively support the purpose of this group, and those who are waiting for renewal training.
