Let's have a fun

Jackie Cycle® sends excitement to you!

 The creation of the world's indoor cycle system.
Basic Pedaling
Fat-Burning Program
Dance Program
Dance Program
Dance Program
Fast Pedaling
Muscle Strengths Program
Upper & Lower Body Muscle
Strengths Program
Upper & Lower Body Muscle
Balance Maximizing Progrm
The Original Indoor Cycle Dance & Gymnastic
Jackie Cycle® is an indoor cycling gymnastics exercise using a Jackie Bike.

The world's first Indoor cycle gymnastics "Jackie Cycle®" was developed in Korea 1999.

That’s Jackie Cycle’s® signature style for a full body workout.  By allowing your hands to be free while pedaling, Jackie Cycle® developed a game changing fitness program that combines upper body dancing with lower body pedaling.  Traditional indoor cycling workouts focus solely on strengthening the lower body, while Jackie Cycle® targets every single muscle in your body.

As the Jackie Cycle® has become the motif, the world's indoor cycle style is now changing from Indoor cycle dance & gymnastics.

Jackie® & Jackie Cycle® leading global fitness brands in the global fitness market.

Special Class
Video Education Program
Education Program
Deep class
1:1 Education Program
Stretching Program
7 foundational movements of Jackie Cycle®?
Basic Pedaling Fat-Burning Program

Middle-Intensity Dance Program

Low-Intensity Dance Program

High-Intensity Dance Program

Fast Pedaling Muscle Strengths Program

Upper & Lower Body Muscle Balance Maximizing Program

Upper & Lower Body Muscle Strengths Program

Special Class
Video Education 

Jackie Cycle 
Education Program

Deep Class
Jackie Cycle
1:1 Education Program

Jackie Cycle
Stretching Program

Jackie Cycle® Instructor Level
       BASIC LEVEL-1


   GRAND MASTER                   LEVER-10


    SPECIAL MASTER             LEVER-4,6,8

Family Level

Jackie Cycle® Instructor Level

Family Level